Web Based Organizing and the Management of Human Resources
The paper focuses on the consequences of web-based business-to-business transactions in medium and large old economy companies in particular and discusses the implications for HRM and HR professionals. Medium and large old economy companies can be involved in transactions within the new economy in different ways. First of all the paper gives an overview of the striking characteristics that distinguish web-based transactions from more traditional transactions. The paper continues with an overview of the different ways in which old economy companies are attempting to integrate elements of web-based organizing into their current business and the implications of it for human resources management. Three different ways of integration are distinguished: -Seeing the Net as an extension of normal market channels for buying and selling. -Using the Net to expand and improve current co-makership relationships amongst key suppliers (section 4). -Totally re-thinking business models before deciding on e-commerce strategy and practice, which implies desegregation and organizational revolution. Each of these areas will be highlighted and possible implications for human resources management and HR managers considered.
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Erasmus Research Institute of Management | |
hdl.handle.net/1765/196 | |
ERIM Report Series Research in Management | |
Organisation | Erasmus Research Institute of Management |
Paauwe, J., Visser, R., & Williams, R. (2002). Web Based Organizing and the Management of Human Resources (No. ERS-2002-39-ORG). ERIM Report Series Research in Management. Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/1765/196 |