An evolutionary conception of contract law is suggested as a basis for assessing claims made in the autonomy-paternalism debate. Paternalism forms one part – although by no means the whole – of a discriminating approach to contract enforcement. Selective enforcement is a long-standing feature of contract law systems, which have developed alongside the emergence of market-based economies in liberal democratic societies. Contractual regulation of this kind can be justified in normative terms by reference to capability theory. Markets are significant capability-enhancing institutions, but their effect depends on complementary regulatory mechanisms, including some of those commonly (if not always accurately) termed ‘paternalistic’.

Erasmus Law Review
Erasmus Law Review
Erasmus School of Law

Deakin, S. (2010). Contracts and Capabilities: An Evolutionary Perspective on the Autonomy-Paternalism Debate. Erasmus Law Review, 3(2), 141–153. Retrieved from