The authors examine the effect of relational constructs (e.g., satisfaction, trust, and affective and calculative commitment) on customer referrals and the number of services purchased, as well as the moderating effect of age of the relationship on these relationships. The research reported, based on data obtained from a large sample of customers of an insurance company, combines archival and survey data. The results provide evidence that supports the moderating effect of relationship age on the relationship between satisfaction, affective and calculative commitment, and the number of services purchased.

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ERIM Top-Core Articles
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
Erasmus Research Institute of Management

Franses, P. H., Verhoef, P., & Hoekstra, J. (2002). The effect of relational constructs on customer referrals and number of services purchases from a multi-service provider: Does age of a relationship matter?. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 30, 202–216. doi:10.1177/0092070302303002