Health care is a rapidly developing field in which new technologies are introduced continuously. Not all new technologies have the same impact however: most represent only small changes in existing technologies, whereas only a few - like organ transplants - really are revolutionary new developments. Some of these new technologies eventually lead to an improved health status or to an increased survival probability. But, unfortunately, over the years the introduction and application of new technologies has also led to a steady expansion of the budget necessary to maintain the ever increasing level of health care in most Western countries. Therefore, concern about costs nowadays plays an increasing role in many decisions surrounding the use and implementation of medical interventions.'·2 Whereas in the past technologies were introduced liberally, or after an assessment of merely efficacy or effectiveness, nowadays often more extensive research is done into all consequences, also in terms of costs, before a technology is implemented on a wide scale.

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F.F.H. Rutten (Frans)
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management (ESHPM)

Michel, B. (1996, January 26). Modelling in Medical Technology Assessment. Retrieved from