Skepticism and disappointment have replaced the initial enthusiasm about CRM. The disappointing results of CRM-projects are often related to difficulties that managers encounter in embedding CRM in their strategy and organization structure. In this article we present a classification scheme on how CRM can be strategically embedded in organizations using the value disciplines of Treacy and Wiersema. We use the findings from three case studies to illustrate our classification. Based on these case studies and interviews with managers we distinguish between strategic and tactical CRM, and derive important issues that managers should consider before successfully implementing CRM.

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Erasmus Research Institute of Management
ERIM Report Series Research in Management
Erasmus Research Institute of Management

Verhoef, P., & Langerak, F. (2002). Further Thoughts on CRM (No. ERS-2002-83-MKT). ERIM Report Series Research in Management. Retrieved from