Objective: A prospective, randomized, controlled single center study was designed to evaluate clinical efficacy of a polyhexanide containing bio-cellulose dressing (group B) compared to a silver-sulfadiazine cream (group A) in sixty partial-thickness burn patients. Patients and methods: Local ethics committee approval was obtained and patients consented. Parameters were: pain reduction (VAS), healing time and wound bed condition, comparing day 0 (start) versus day 14 (end), as well as, ease of dressing use and treatment costs. Results: All completed the study (n = 30/n = 30) and were included in the ITT analysis, with a total of 72 burns (group A: n = 38, group B: n = 34). We noted no differences in healing time. Pain reduction was significantly faster and better in group B (p < 0.01). There were fewer dressing changes in group B, compared to group A. Ease of use for the bio-cellulose dressing was rated better compared to group A. In group B, € 95.20 was saved for a 10 day treatment period, compared to group A. Conclusion: Group B demonstrated a better and faster pain reduction in the treated partial-thickness burns, compared to group A. The results indicate the polyhexanide containing bio-cellulose dressing to be a safe and cost effective treatment for partial-thickness burns.

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doi.org/10.1016/j.burns.2011.01.027, hdl.handle.net/1765/23255
Erasmus MC: University Medical Center Rotterdam

Piatkowski, A., Drummer, N., Andriessen, A., Ulrich, D., & Pallua, N. (2011). Randomized controlled single center study comparing a polyhexanide containing bio-cellulose dressing with silver sulfadiazine cream in partial-thickness dermal burns. Burns, 37(5), 799–803. doi:10.1016/j.burns.2011.01.027