A 20-year-old man presented with a five-week history of an eruption of papules and nodules disseminated over his body and face. We propose that this patient has a late form of secondary syphilis with a nodular, granulomatous inflammation in urgent need of treatment. Otherwise late irreversible sequelae could develop and unwanted possible further sexual transmission could take place.

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doi.org/10.1258/ijsa.2008.008311, hdl.handle.net/1765/25386
International Journal of STD & AIDS
Erasmus MC: University Medical Center Rotterdam

Lanjouw, E., van der Meijden, W., den Hollander, J., & Neumann, M. (2009). Unusual late nodular presentation of secondary syphilis. International Journal of STD & AIDS, 20(4), 271–273. doi:10.1258/ijsa.2008.008311