Acute Care Surgery is a discipline that includes trauma care, surgical critical care, and emergency surgery. It is organized in different models and provides mainly operative and nonoperative care. The aim of this study was to provide a demographic analysis of the care of surgical patients at the Emergency Department (ED) in a large teaching hospital in Shanghai, where general surgeons and orthopedic surgeons take care for most of all acute surgery. A bilingual questionnaire was developed to collect data for patients referred to the general or orthopedic surgeon in the ED (June–September 2008). Data about the gender, age, diagnosis, diagnostic tools, treatments, and outcomes were collected. A total of 255 questionnaires were collected; the most common diagnoses of patients were infections of abdominal organs and fractures. Complementary diagnostics like X-ray (59%), blood tests (36%), and ultrasound (17%) were frequently used. More than half of the patients were discharged afterwards most of them with followup. This study gives a first overview of acute care surgery of the emergency patients of the ED in a large Chinese metropolitan hospital.,
Surgery and Traumatology
ISRN Surgery
Erasmus MC: University Medical Center Rotterdam

Folmer, W., Lammers, W., Mulligan, T., van Lieshout, E., Patka, P., Xu, Z., … den Hartog, D. (2011). Patient Demographics in Acute Care Surgery at the Ruijin Hospital in Shanghai. ISRN Surgery, 2011(801404), 1–8. doi:10.5402/2011/801404