In the late fifties and early sixties a distinct clinical entity has been recognized in clinical, hemodynamic and angiocardiographic studies. Since then a burst of information concerning this "cardiomyopathic" disorder has been forthcoming. In this chapter most available information is condensed in a systematic fashion, as an introduction to the thesis itself. Although various terms are currently still used to describe this condition, on clinical and hemodynamic grounds asymmetric septal hypertrophy, is considered in this study to be the common denominator and consequently this terminology is followed as a descriptor of the syndrome under discussion. The earliest report available is from Dittrich, who, in 1852, described in a necropsy study a patient with typical asymmetric septal hypertrophy. "Das Septum ventriculorum fast 1.5 - Zoll dick und von der Basis an unter den Aortaklappen bis zur Herzspitze herab mit dick gedri:ingten Muskelsubstanz durchsetzt,. Dilg2 in 1883 reviewed 15 similar cases, five of these are now recognisable as muscular septal hypertrophy. This author also noted that disease of the left ventricular outflow tract could coexist with other congenital abnormalities.

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P.G. Hugenholtz (Paul)
Netherlands Heart Foundation
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Erasmus MC: University Medical Center Rotterdam

ten Cate, F. (1978, June 7). Asymetric septal hypertrophy (ASH): echocardiographic manifestations. Retrieved from