Development of neuronal specificity remains one of the major enigmas in contemporary neurobiology. The embryonic neuroepithelium1 derived from the surface ectoderm due to the inductive influence of the chordamesoderm, acquires a high]_ycomplex differentiation when neuronal and glial cells appear and establish specific structural relationships. Arising as a protrusion of the diencephalon during ontogeny 1 the retina presents the same anatomical and physiological problems as do other parts of the central nervous system. In the retina a spatial separation of both the perikarya and the cell processes into distinct nuclear and synaptic layers is effected during histogenesis. Tills makes the retina a very suitable material for studying vertebrate neurogenesis and therefore the developing retina has been a preferred target of analysis through various approaches.

, , ,
J. Moll
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Erasmus MC: University Medical Center Rotterdam

Bhattacharjee, J. (1976, January 7). Enzyme-histochemical analysis of retinal development in the mouse. Retrieved from