Renal abscesses are infrequently encountered in children. We describe a girl diagnosed with bilateral renal abscess. Although ultrasonosgraphy and computerised tomography are used to establish the diagnosis, in our case magnetic resonance imaging proved to be a useful additional diagnostic method. Using percutaneous aspiration, we were able to establish the correct diagnosis and identify the causative micro-organism. The patient was successfully treated with a combined intravenous and oral course of antibiotics. In conclusion, renal abscesses can occur in children without a history of reflux or urinary tract infection; this should be kept in mind when evaluating a child with fever. In addition, full recovery can be achieved solely with antibiotics.

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European Journal of Pediatrics
Erasmus MC: University Medical Center Rotterdam

Chaudhry, S. H., & Bolt, R. (2010). Bilateral renal abscess in a previously healthy 11-year-old girl. European Journal of Pediatrics, 169(11), 1423–1425. doi:10.1007/s00431-010-1233-4