Children, work and 'child labour' : changing responses to the employment of children
Working children and young people occupy a relatively weak and easily exploitable position in work relations and in the labour market. As a social group, they share this problem with various other structurally- disadvantaged social groups in society (examples are women, e!liiiic minorities or migrants and the disabled). However, they are the only-one among such groups whose exploitation is generally addressed by attempts to remove them completely from the labour market, rather-17 than by efforts to improve the terms and conditions under which they work. What is the basis for treating the 'child labour~,:p~oblem in such a different way: i.e. by demanding special laws and regulations excluding this category of persons from access to employment, rather than by demanding the abolition of discrimination against them?
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Erasmus University Rotterdam | |
hdl.handle.net/1765/30874 | |
Organisation | International Institute of Social Studies of Erasmus University (ISS) |
White, B. (1994, June 16). Children, work and 'child labour' : changing responses to the employment of children . Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/1765/30874 |