This thesis describes the results of the 'Healthy ageing and intellectual disability"-study concerning the theme 'Physical activity and fitness'. In this study, 1050 older adults with intellectual disabilities were included, and measured with an extensive battery of tests, including pedometers, physical fitness tests, daily functioning and mobility. Reliability and feasibility of instruments new to this population were studied and proved to be acceptable. Results of the measurements showed that this group is mostly inactive and had low physical fitness levels.

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The work presented in this thesis was financially supported by: - ZonMw (The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development) - Intellectual Disability Medicine, Department of General Practice, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands - Center for Human Movement Sciences, University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands - Abrona, Huis ter Heide, The Netherlands - Amarant, Tilburg, The Netherlands - Ipse de Bruggen, Zwammerdam, The Netherlands - Abrona
H.M. Evenhuis (Heleen)
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Erasmus MC: University Medical Center Rotterdam

Hilgenkamp, T. (2012, May 9). Physical activity and fitness in older adults with intellectual disabilities
. Retrieved from