Irreducible fracture dislocations of the ankle are rare and represent true orthopedic emergencies. We present a case of a fracture dislocation that was irreducible owing to a fixed dislocation of the proximal fibular fragment posterior to the lateral ridge of the tibia. This particular type of injury, known as a Bosworth fracture dislocation, was not appreciated on the initial radiographs taken in the emergency room but was identified at urgent surgical management. The trauma mechanism, radiographs, treatment, and relevant published data are discussed in the present report.

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The Journal of Foot & Ankle Surgery
Erasmus MC: University Medical Center Rotterdam

Schepers, T., Hagenaars, T., & den Hartog, D. (2012). An Irreducible Ankle Fracture Dislocation: The Bosworth Injury. The Journal of Foot & Ankle Surgery, 51(4), 501–503. doi:10.1053/j.jfas.2012.04.011