The European General Practice Research Network organized an international research conference on 'Children in General Practice' in Plovdiv, Bulgaria, in May 2010. Two of the authors were keynote speakers at the workshop, tasked with summarizing the theme research presentations on each of the two days of the meeting. The theme of the meeting 'Children in General Practice' refers to the primary aim for timely and high quality health care for every child and the related general practitioners' activities. The meeting was an important event, especially for young doctors and investigators from different countries, because they were informed of good practices from other European countries in preventive work with children. All participants shared and learned a lot of good ideas beyond the standards and quality management. Examples of ideas for new research questions that emerged were to study differences in routine check-ups during childhood between European countries; to study the effectiveness of advices given by GPs to (parents of) obese children; and to study adverse events of medication in general practice. Conclusion: At a European level, the diversity of the ways health care systems deal with health problems in children is striking. We felt great enthusiasm to further develop this research area. Interested family doctors are invited to attend future conferences to develop collaborative research projects on this topic.

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The European Journal of General Practice
Erasmus MC: University Medical Center Rotterdam

Petrazzuoli, F., van der Wouden, H., Madjova, V., & Asenova, R. (2011). Children in general practice: An exciting area for research. Reflections on the EGPRN meeting in Plovdiv, Bulgaria, May 2010. The European Journal of General Practice, 17(1), 62–65. doi:10.3109/13814788.2010.546833