Nowadays more and more clinical guidelines are developed. Clinical guidelines aim to assist practitioner and patient decision making about appropriate care for specific clinical conditions. Furthermore, guidelines can play a crucial role in the quality cycle form guidelines to clinical practice. However, this does not necessarily mean that these guidelines are actually implemented and the ultimately goal, improved patient outcome, is achieved. Care gaps exist between guidelines and daily clinical practice in perioperative care. Research should be focused on identification of barriers to adherence and subsequent effect implementation strategies to achieve higher standards of quality of care. A multifactorial approach to improving use of guidelines in clinical practice may improve the treatment of patients with peripheral arterial disease.

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Best Practice and Research in Clinical Gastroenterology
Erasmus MC: University Medical Center Rotterdam

Hoeks, S., Bouw, E., & Poldermans, D. (2011). Quality assurance in perioperative care. Best Practice and Research in Clinical Gastroenterology, 25(3), 435–441. doi:10.1016/j.bpg.2011.05.002