Migration presents us with a paradox. The vast majority of the public say that fewer migrants should be allowed to come to the UK and each new government promises tighter controls, yet a significant number of people continue to come. That divergence alone makes migration an intriguing area of public policy to explore. Of those born in the UK, 83% want fewer migrants (foreign born) to come, as do a majority of those who were themselves born abroad (Lloyd, 2010: Table 73). More than a third of the public now regularly cite race and immigration as among the most important issues facing the country, significantly higher than in most European countries and a sharp increase from a decade ago (Eurobarometer, 2009: 11; MORI, 2009). During that time, national policies on labour migration, asylum, family migrants and international students have been radically overhauled. Yet the public is evidently far from reassured.

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H.B. Entzinger (Han)
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Spencer, S. (2012, June 19). Wilful Betrayal or Capacity Constrained? An analysis of the factors that have shaped national policy development on migration and integration in the UK. Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/1765/34904