Recently, a new FAD-dependent amine oxidase, renalase, was described. It was secreted by the kidney into the blood and shown to have significant cardiovascular actions, which were attributed to its catecholamine-metabolising activity. The authors concluded that renalase might be an important regulatory factor in human (patho)physiology. The catecholamine-metabolising activity of renalase in plasma contrasts with previous investigations where catecholamines were found to be stable in human plasma, provided autoxidation is prevented by an antioxidant. The claim of catecholamine-metabolising activity of renalase was based on the generation of H2O2during incubation of the enzyme with catecholamines. Careful inspection and calculations of the data lead to the conclusion that the rate of H2O2generation is far too low to be ascribed to enzymatic conversion of catecholamines by renalase. Renalase may well have important cardiovascular functions, but there is no proof that its actions are mediated through catecholamine-metabolising activity.

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Journal of Neural Transmission. General Section
Erasmus MC: University Medical Center Rotterdam

Boomsma, F., & Tipton, K. F. (2007). Renalase, a catecholamine-metabolising enzyme?. In Journal of Neural Transmission. General Section (Vol. 114, pp. 775–776). doi:10.1007/s00702-007-0672-1