Background: Dengue disease severity is usually classified using criteria set up by the World Health Organization (WHO). We aimed to assess the diagnostic accuracy of the WHO classification system and modifications to this system, and evaluated their potential practical usefulness. Methods: Patients, admitted consecutively to the hospital with severe dengue, were classified using the WHO classification system and modifications to this system. Treating physicians were asked to classify patients immediately after discharge. We calculated the sensitivity of the various classification systems for the detection of shock and the agreement between the various classification systems and the treating physician's classification. Results: Of 152 patients with confirmed dengue, sixty-six (43%) had evidence of circulatory failure. The WHO classification system had a sensitivity of 86% (95%CI 76-94) for the detection of patients with shock. All modifications to the WHO classification system had a higher sensitivity than the WHO classification system (sensitivity ranging from 88% to 99%). The WHO classification system was in only modest agreement with the intuitive classification by treating physicians whereas several modified classification systems were in good agreement. Conclusion: The use of the WHO classification system to classify dengue disease severity is to be questioned, because it is not accurate in correctly classifying dengue disease severity and it lacks sufficient agreement with clinical practice.,
BMC Infectious Diseases
Erasmus MC: University Medical Center Rotterdam

Setiati, T., Mairuhu, A. T. A., Koraka, P., Supriatna, M., Mac Gillavry, M., Brandjes, D., … Soemantri, A. (2007). Dengue disease severity in Indonesian children: An evaluation of the World Health Organization classification system. BMC Infectious Diseases, 7. doi:10.1186/1471-2334-7-22