The present report contains very little in the way of factual information about the two projects; neither does it attempt to present a detailed analysis of the many different factors which caused the projects to deviate from the original project plans. It tries to explain what we had in mind when undertaking this study and how our originat ideas had to be adjusted after confrontation with the actual project histories (Sections 1 and 2). How far all this is relevant, either to project analysis in developing countries, in general, or to future project work in Ghana, will be discussed in the final part of this report (Section 3).

Erasmus University Rotterdam
ISS Occasional Papers
International Institute of Social Studies of Erasmus University (ISS)

van der Wel, P. (1973). The development of the Ghana sugar industry1960-70: An exercise in ex-post evaluation (No. 26). ISS Occasional Papers. Retrieved from