This thesis deals with parthenogenesis in vertebrates. In the literature the phenomenon parthenogenesis is defined in many different ways and classified in different types. This diversion is described in chapter I where it is also shown that - due to newly developped laboratory techniques - the distinction between parthenogenesis and reproduction based on fertilization is not sufficient anymore. Nowadays experimental developmental- patterns have been made possible that are based on a combination of these two mechanisms of reproduction. In order to solve these problerns of distinction a new terminology is proposed and a classification of possible patterns of development of vertebrates is described

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G.H. Zeilmaker (Gerard)
Het hier beschreven onderzoek werd mogelijk gemaakt mede dankzij een subsidie van de Nederlandse Organisatie voor Zuiver Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Erasmus MC: University Medical Center Rotterdam

van Marle, G. (1983, September 30). Parthenogenese : [een literatuurstudie over natuurlijke parthenogenese bij gewervelde dieren met aparte bibliografie : een experimentele studie over parthenogenetische stimulatie van muize - eicellen, de vroege in vitro ontwikkeling en pogingen tot bevruchting van deze parthenogenonten] . Retrieved from