With the attention of the chemical industry focused on exploiting the low cost feedstocks in the Middle East and the growth markets of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South East Asia, this report provides a timely reminder to policy makers, chemical companies and logistics service providers of the significant opportunities for improving business potential in Europe’s chemical clusters. Europe is still the largest, most sophisticated global market for chemical products, with a well developed, efficient, highly productive asset base, sound infrastructure, leading edge research and development and significant purchasing power. Provided these advantages are sustained, including continued attention to asset maintenance and operational and supply chain improvements, Europe can remain a competitive force in the global market place, despite what the doom-mongers may say to the contrary. ...

European Petrochemical Association (EPCA)
Erasmus School of Economics

Van Wassenhove, L., Lebreton, B., & Letizia, P. (2007). A Paradigm Shift: Supply Chain Collaboration and Competition in and between Europe’s Chemical Clusters. Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/1765/38281