Eureka is a century-old Netherlands-based company with multiple divisions and worldwide operations. Its focal division has had a ‘green’ focus since the early 1990s, first to ensure legal compliance and later on to achieve eco-efficiency and green marketing. Environmental coordinator, Peter Jansen, is involved in protracted negotiations with both external constituencies (the European Commission and the European trade association) and different internal actors (including an environmental steering group, business units, and the corporate research laboratory) to garner support for an environmentally benign product innovation. He eventually manages to get the green light from all stakeholders and realize his eco-innovation.

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RSM Case Development Centre

Based on published sources; 10 pages.
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Erasmus Research Institute of Management

Wijen, F., & Yue, T. (2011). Negotiating Eco-innovation: The Bargaining Game of Green Solutions. RSM Case Development Centre. Retrieved from