RNA interference (RNAi) is a potential strategy to control shrimp viral diseases, including the white spot disease caused by White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV). Selection of genes for targeting is an important criterion. We have compared the efficacy of dsRNAs targeting structural (vp28 and vp281) and nonstructural genes (rr1 and dnapol) of WSSV in controlling viral multiplication in Penaeus monodon. Targeting the rr1 and vp28 genes provided better protection (93. 3% and 90% survival respectively) compared to vp281 and dnapol in experimentally infected shrimp. Temporal transcriptional analysis of the corresponding genes and PCR-based diagnosis of WSSV in samples collected at different time points in the experiment supported this observation, thereby indicating that targeting a combination of rr1 and vp28 would be effective in limiting WSSV multiplication.

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doi.org/10.1007/s00705-012-1258-2, hdl.handle.net/1765/39105
Archives of Virology
Erasmus MC: University Medical Center Rotterdam

Sanjuktha, M., Stalin Raj, V. S., Aravindan, K., Alavandi, S. V., Poornima, M., & Santiago, T. C. (2012). Comparative efficacy of double-stranded RNAs targeting WSSV structural and nonstructural genes in controlling viral multiplication in Penaeus monodon. Archives of Virology, 157(5), 993–998. doi:10.1007/s00705-012-1258-2