The aim of this thesis is to describe and quantify heterogeneity in elderly cancer patients, primarily by analyzing age, gender, and concomitant disease(s). Secondly, the impact of these factors on heterogeneity is determined on cancer treatment strategies and their outcomes. Thirdly, the role of geriatric assessment in oncology is evaluated as a working method to unravel heterogeneity in elderly cancer patients and its potential as a triage-instrument to deliver appropriate care in elderly cancer patients

, ,
Integraal Kanker Centrum Zuid (IKZ, Eindhoven), Tweestedenziekenhuis (Tilburg/ Waalwijk)
J.W.W. Coebergh (Jan Willem)
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Erasmus MC: University Medical Center Rotterdam

Maas, H. (2011, November 10). Unravelling Heterogeneity in Elderly Cancer Patients. Retrieved from