The third part of this thesis focuses on the interaction between P. aeruginosa and ceftazidime in vitro during continuous and intermittent infusion. As indicated above, continuous infusion may be more efficacious than intermittent infusion. However, few in vitro data exist where continuous infusion is compared with intermittent administration. Determinations of the susceptibility of a nticro-organism, usually as a ntinimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) or a killing curve, do not take the fluctuation of antibiotic concentrations due to intermittent dosing into account, as usually occurs when patients are treated. The first part of Chapter 10 discusses this problem, and a brief review of the literature describing in vitro pharmacokinetic models is given. In the second part of this Chapter, an in vitro pharmacokinetic model is described, and the results of intermittent and continuous infusion of ceftazidime on the kiiiing of P. aeruginosa are presented

K.F. Kerrebijn , M.F. Michel
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Erasmus MC: University Medical Center Rotterdam

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