Cancer is the leading cause of death that touches us all, either directly or indirectly. It is estimated that the number of newly diagnosed cases in the Netherlands will increase to 123,000 by the year 2020. General Dutch statistics are similar to those in the UK, i.e. over the last ten years, the age-standardised incidence rate1 has stabilised at around 355 females and 415 males per 100,000. Figure 1 shows the cancer incidence per gender. In the UK, the rise in lifetime risk of cancer is more than one in three and depends on many factors, including age, lifestyle and genetic makeup.

The research in this thesis was conducted at the Departments of Radiology and Medical Informatics of the Erasmus MC, University Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. The research was partly supported by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), under grant number 017.002.019, and by the Dutch Cancer founds (KWF) under grant number 2008-4037. Financial support for the publication of this thesis was kindly provided by the Department of Radiology, the Erasmus University, and the ASCI graduate school.
W.J. Niessen (Wiro)
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Erasmus MC: University Medical Center Rotterdam

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