Historically the right to a fair trial has not been part of the catalogue of fundamental rights in the Dutch Constitution. This thesis deals with the question what the added value of incorporating such a right in the Constitution could be. In order to answer this question an analysis is made of the protection of the right to a fair trial on the national and European level. Building on this analysis various forms of added value are discussed, both on the national level and on the European level.

, ,
P.A.M. Mevis (Paul)
Erasmus University Rotterdam , Wolf Legal Publishers, Nijmegen (http://www.wolfpublishers.nl)
Erasmus School of Law

Leeuw, B. (2013, June 13). Grondwet en eerlijk proces: Een onderzoek naar de eventuele meerwaarde van het opnemen van het recht op een eerlijk proces in de Nederlandse Grondwet
. Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/1765/40957