Certain educational programs and jobs require selecting individuals based on their creativity. Tests of creativity are commonly based on divergent thinking tasks. The scoring of the ideational output of such tasks should ideally be done based on fluency (the number of ideas generated), flexibility (the number of categories into which the generated ideas can be partitioned), and originality (the number of unique or unusual ideas). However, most scoring procedures do not take into account all three dimensions. Building on the Creativity Quotient (CQ) measure (Snyder, Mitchell, Bossomaier & Pallier, 2004), which covers fluency and flexibility, an adjusted CQ and two CQs based on diversity type measures are proposed. Findings indicated that an adjusted measure that weights categories based on their discriminative power was most strongly related to other predictors of performance on creative tasks and thus presents an important advance over the original CQ.

doi.org/10.1080/10400419.2013.813811, hdl.handle.net/1765/41162
Creativity Research Journal
Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management (ESHPM)

Lucas, G. J. M., Wijst, A., Curseu, P. L., & Looman, W. (2013). An Evaluation of Alternative Ways of Computing the Creativity Quotient in a Design School Sample. Creativity Research Journal, 25(3), 348–355. doi:10.1080/10400419.2013.813811