Understanding which factors influence relapse patterns in childhood nephrotic syndrome is clinically very relevant and could aid in developing new treatment strategies. Clinicians are continuously challenged to reduce relapse rates and at the same time to avoid glucocorticoid toxicity. Both intrinsic and environmental factors may take part in the underlying pathophysiological process and its impact on clinical course. Though glucocorticoids are the cornerstone of treatment, little is known about how individual handling of these drugs may affect the clinical course in children with nephrotic syndrome. Possible explanations for this include the complicated methods required to evaluate these factors and the low incidence of the disease. The general aim of this thesis is to provide better understanding of the variability in the clinical course of childhood nephrotic syndrome. Within this context, special attention is given to the role of glucocorticoids in terms of treatment duration, metabolism and sensitivity.

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A.J. van der Heijden (Bert) , T. van Gelder (Teun)
The studies in this thesis were financially supported by: Nierstichting Nederland Stichting Vrienden van het Sophia Printing of this thesis was financially supported by: Nierstiching Nederland Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam Amgen B.V. Novo Nordisk B.V. Roche Nederland B.V. ISBN:
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Erasmus MC: University Medical Center Rotterdam

Teeninga, N. (2013, May 8). Glucocorticoid Treatment in Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome : weighting the cornerstone. Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/1765/50144