The rise of media tourism has received an increasing amount of attention from scholars in various academic disciplines. However, the existing knowledge about this phenomenon is still highly fragmented. This Research Note presents the design of a new, recently launched research project, entitled ‘Locating Imagination. An Interdisciplinary Perspective on Literary, Film and Music Tourism’, that aims to be one of the first in which interdisciplinary research will be conducted. The project involves an analysis and comparison of literary, cinematic and musical examples of media tourism. By investigating commonalities and differences, we intend to highlight how literature, film and music, each in their own way, stimulate the geographical imagination and literally ‘move’ their audiences. The project has been generously funded by the Dutch Science Foundation, which allows three PhD students to do extensive research for a period of four years. By the time of this publication, the project has been running for several months, and we are still awaiting the first results. We would therefore like to make use of this Research Note to sketch the lines of inquiry that we are pursuing in the upcoming years.