The present study aims to describe the current context, identify the potential points of conflict and determine some of the possible scenarios within the setting and as a result of the negotiation of an Economic Association Agreement (EAA) between the European Union (EU) and Central America (CA), in the specific case of the farming sector.

The study is structured around the following set of specific objectives:
- Describe the relations between the European Union and Central America in terms of agriculture.
- Identify the main interests of the EU and CA farming sectors in the negotiations for an Economic Association Agreement.
- Identify potential ‘winning’ and ‘losing’ products in Central American agricultural as a result of this economic association agreement.

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International Institute of Social Studies of Erasmus University (ISS)

Leon Araya, A., Ramirez Cover, A., & Dinarte Vélasquez, R. (2007). The Central American agricultural sector in the run-up to negotiations for the EAA with the European Union: potential conflicts and scenarios. EUR-ISS-PER. Retrieved from