Conflicts over the presence of migrants and Muslims in Western societies have become increasingly 'mediatised' in recent years. Interactions between governments and migrants are now subject to constant scrutiny and the media have become a prime battle ground for political struggles. This paper investigates the effects of mediatisation on the relationships between the government and civil society associations in one Amsterdam neighbourhood before and after a Muslim extremist assassinated film maker Theo van Gogh in November 2004. With the help of field theory, it is shown that media representations do not just reflect local realities, but in fact are a part and outcome of struggles between actors unequally invested with discursive power. Mediatisation thus transforms the logic of politics and alters the balance of power between different actors.,
Urban Studies: an international journal for research in urban studies
Department of Sociology

Uitermark, J., & Gielen, A.-J. (2010). Islam in the spotlight: The mediatisation of politics in an Amsterdam Neighbourhood. Urban Studies: an international journal for research in urban studies, 47(6), 1325–1342. doi:10.1177/0042098010362807