Treatment of the rare disease craniosynostosis justifies centralization in two centers within the Netherlands, as recommended in the guideline 'Treatment and care for craniosynostosis'. Through a careful and open procedure the choice was made for the craniofacial centers in Rotterdam and Nijmegen. Both centers will treat isolated craniosynostosis. Patients with syndromic craniosynostosis will be referred to Rotterdam. This paper presents the process of implementation and gives recommendations for centralizations that will be undertaken in the future.,
Tijdschrift voor Kindergeneeskunde
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Mathijssen, I., van Veelen-Vincent, M.-L., Borstlap, W., Delye, H. H. K., Wolvius, E., Bergé, S., … van Lindert, E. (2014). Centralization of craniosynostosis in the Netherlands: The process in order to go back to two of five centers. Tijdschrift voor Kindergeneeskunde, 82(3), 106–111. doi:10.1007/s12456-014-0019-4