In 2007, the International Knockout Mouse Consortium (IKMC) made the ambitious promise to generate mutations in virtually every protein-coding gene of the mouse genome in a concerted worldwide action. Now, 5 years later, the IKMC members have developed highthroughput gene trapping and, in particular, gene-targeting pipelines and generated more than 17,400 mutant murine embryonic stem (ES) cell clones and more than 1,700 mutant mouse strains, most of them conditional. A common IKMC web portal ( has been established, allowing easy access to this unparalleled biological resource. The IKMC materials considerably enhance functional gene annotation of the mammalian genome and will have a major impact on future biomedical research.,
Mammalian Genome
Erasmus MC: University Medical Center Rotterdam

Bradley, A., Anastassiadis, K., Ayadi, A., Battey, J., Bell, C., Birling, M.-C., … Wurst, M. (2012). The mammalian gene function resource: The International Knockout Mouse Consortium. Mammalian Genome, 23(9-10), 580–586. doi:10.1007/s00335-012-9422-2