The aim of this paper is to describe and analyze the management strategies of cooperation in public-private partnerships (PPPs) in spatial planning. We describe a specific case study: the Dutch location development project 'Sijtwende. We deal with the main question of what this case teaches us about the management of complex processes of cooperation between public and private partners. We will describe the difficulties in the cooperation. Furthermore, we will look for important breakthroughs in the process of collaborative development of the area. In this paper we combine theoretical thoughts on PPP models, and management and empirical insights from out in-depth case study, in order to find balances in using project and process management strategies for managing complex spatial planning processes.,
Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy
Department of Public Administration

Edelenbos, J., & Teisman, G. (2008). Public-private partnership: On the edge of project and process management. Insights from Dutch practice: The Sijtwende spatial development project. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 26(3), 614–626. doi:10.1068/c66m