Work-related asthma (WRA) is a relevant problem in several countries, is cause of disability and socioeconomic consequences for both the patient and the society and is probably still underdiagnosed. A correct diagnosis is extremely important to reduce or limit the consequences of the disease. This consensus document was prepared by a EAACI Task Force consisting of an expert panel of allergologists, pneumologists and occupational physicians from different European countries. This document is not intended to address in detail the full diagnostic work-up of WRA, nor to be a formal evidence-based guideline. It is written to provide an operative protocol to allergologists and physicians dealing with asthma useful for identifying the subjects suspected of having WRA to address them to in-depth investigations in a specialized centre. No evidence-based system could be used because of the low grade of evidence of published studies in this area, and instead, 'key messages' or 'suggestions' are provided based on consensus of the expert panel members.

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Department of Gastroenterology & Hepatology

Moscato, G., Pala, G., Barnig, C., de Blay, F., Del Giacco, S., Folletti, I., … Gerth van Wijk, R. (2012). EAACI consensus statement for investigation of work-related asthma in non-specialized centres. Allergy, 67(4), 491–501. doi:10.1111/j.1398-9995.2011.02784.x