This paper reports on a module designed to deliver education for sustainability within the framework of the new generation of global executive MBAs. The module described was taught as part of OneMBA, an executive MBA involving five business schools located in Hong Kong, Brazil, Mexico, the USA and Europe. The paper describes the key skills, insights and pedagogy used in this module. Conceptual and theoretical material, cases, role-plays and site visits were developed to provide an understanding of sustainability and its relationship with supply-chain management. Emphasis was placed on sustainability as a context-specific approach, the deployment of systems thinking skills, and stakeholder engagement. The module addressed the paradoxes that arise among stakeholders who populate global supply chains. Sustainability was considered from global, European and local perspectives in Rotterdam and Gdansk through a project that considered extending Unilever's sustainable agriculture in itiative to Poland. Copyright

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Business Strategy and the Environment
Department of Sociology

Roome, N. (2005). Teaching sustainability in a global MBA: Insights from the OneMBA. Business Strategy and the Environment, 14(3), 160–171. doi:10.1002/bse.445