This article presents three clear examples of distinctive approaches to the study of public management, that is, in France, Germany and Italy, three countries with peculiar legalistic state traditions. For each country a historical sketch of state and administration is first given, then both the administrative (public management) reforms are described, the state of the art of administrative sciences and finally the specificness of the study of public management. The historical-institutional context of a particular state and administration apparently does influence not only the form and content of the administrative 'public management' reforms but also the scientific study of public management in that country.

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Public Management Review: an international journal of research and theory
Department of Public Administration

Kickert, W. (2005). Distinctiveness in the study of public management in Europe: A historical-institutional analysis of France, Germany and Italy. Public Management Review: an international journal of research and theory, 7(4), 537–563. doi:10.1080/14719030500362470