Objective: Despite living donor kidney transplantation (LDKT) being the optimal treatment option for patients with end-stage renal disease, we observed a significant inequality in the number of LDKT performed between patients of Dutch versus non-Dutch descent. We conducted a focus group study to explore modifiable hurdles to LDKT. Methods: Focus group discussions and in-depth interviews were conducted among 50 end-stage renal patients. Analyses were conducted according to 'grounded theory' using Atlas.ti. Results: We found nearly all patients to be in favor of LDKT (96%). However, multiple factors played a role in considering LDKT. Four potentially modifiable hurdles were derived: (1) inadequate patient education, (2) impeding cognitions and emotions, (3) restrictive social influences, and (4) suboptimal communication. With regard to solutions, we found that our patients were open to home-based group education on renal replacement therapy options (88% in favor). Conclusion: The study highlights the need for sensitivity and awareness of the influence of cultural factors on decision-making when discussing living donation with culturally diverse populations. Practice implications: Since the majority of our patients were open to a tailored group education in their own homes, we see this as an opportunity to address factors that influence equality in access to LDKT.

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doi.org/10.1016/j.pec.2012.08.004, hdl.handle.net/1765/65144
Patient Education and Counseling
Department of Internal Medicine

Ismail, S., Claassens, L., Luchtenburg, A. E., Roodnat, J., Zuidema, W., Weimar, W., … Massey, E. (2013). Living donor kidney transplantation among ethnic minorities in the Netherlands: A model for breaking the hurdles. Patient Education and Counseling, 90(1), 118–124. doi:10.1016/j.pec.2012.08.004