The Liverpool Statement 2005 was developed at the Fourth International Lung Cancer Molecular Biomarkers Workshop in Liverpool (October 27-29, 2005) and focused on the priorities for the European Union/United States (EU-US) Spiral Computed Tomography (CT) Collaborative Group. The application of spiral CT technology for early lung cancer screening has gained enormous momentum in the past 5 years. The EU-US Spiral CT Collaboration was initiated in 2001 in Liverpool, and subsequent meetings throughout Europe have resulted in the development of collaborative protocols and minimal data sets that provide a mechanism for the different trial groups to work together, with the ultimate aim to pool results. Considerable progress has been made with major national screening trials in the U.S. and Europe, which include IELCAP, NLST, and NELSON. The major objective of this international collaboration is the planned cross-analysis of the individual studies after they are reported. The EU-US researchers have agreed to a number of long-term objectives and to explore strategic areas for harmonization of complementary investigations.

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Journal of Thoracic Oncology
Department of Pulmonology

Field, J., Smith, R., Duffy, S., Berg, C., van Klaveren, R., Henschke, N., … Mulshine, J. (2006). The liverpool statement 2005: Priorities for the European Union/United States Spiral Computed Tomography Collaborative Group. In Journal of Thoracic Oncology (Vol. 1, pp. 497–498). doi:10.1097/01243894-200606000-00020