In this paper a method which combines iterative computed tomography reconstruction and coronary centerline extraction technique to obtain motion artifact-free reconstructed images of the coronary arteries are proposed and evaluated. The method relies on motion-vector fields derived from a set of coronary centerlines extracted at multiple cardiac phases within the R-R interval. Hereto, start and end points are provided by the user in one time-frame only. Using an elastic image registration, these points are propagated to all the remaining cardiac phases. Consequently, a multi-phase three-dimensional coronary centerline is determined by applying a semi-automatic minimum cost path based extraction method. Corresponding centerline positions are used to determine the relative motion-vector fields from phase to phase. Finally, dense motion-vector fields are achieved by thin-plate-spline interpolation and used to perform a motion-corrected iterative reconstruction of a selected region of interest. The performance of the method is validated on five patients, showing the improved sharpness of cardiac motion-corrected gated iterative reconstructions compared to the results achieved by a classical gated iterative method. The results are also compared to known manual and fully automatic coronary artery motion estimation methods.

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Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics
Department of Medical Informatics

Isola, A., Metz, C., Schaap, M., Klein, S., Grass, M., & Niessen, W. (2012). Cardiac motion-corrected iterative cone-beam CT reconstruction using a semi-automatic minimum cost path-based coronary centerline extraction. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 36(3), 215–226. doi:10.1016/j.compmedimag.2011.12.005