This story is a personal journey of two Dutch dermatologists pioneering in the field of endovenous laser ablation of varicose veins, illustrating how innovations find their way in medicine and, in particular, in surgical specialties. After the introduction of these thermal ablative procedures in 2001, we have fully embraced these minimally invasive techniques, and in the process, we have increased our understanding on its mechanism of action and confirmed the clinical relevance of treating varicose veins with endovenous laser ablation. In 2013, thermal ablation is considered a standard of care by physicians as well as patients with varicose veins.

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Lasers in Medical Science
Department of Surgery

Kockaert, M., & Nijsten, T. (2014). How we started performing endovenous thermal ablation procedures: A personal history. Lasers in Medical Science, 29(2), 383–385. doi:10.1007/s10103-013-1462-7