Purpose: This study aims to explore generational differences in the psychological contract of hospitality employees and work outcomes such as commitment and turnover intention. Design/methodology/approach: Data were collected in 20 hotels (n=359) from a four-star hotel chain in The Netherlands using a self-administered questionnaire. Data were analysed using MANOVA and post-hoc analysis. Findings: Findings suggest that opportunities for development and challenge, variation and responsibility are more important to younger generations of hospitality workers. Generation X placed high value on work-life balance, autonomy and job security. No differences were found for work atmosphere, salary and task description. Significantly lower commitment and higher turnover intention was also found for Generation Y. Practical implications: The findings provide insight into generational differences in expectations that hospitality workers have of their employers. This helps managers in developing management styles as well as human resource policy to better address these expectations. Originality/value: This study is one of the first to explore the psychological contract in a hospitality context and contributes empirical evidence to the body of knowledge on generational differences.

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doi.org/10.1108/09596111211226824, hdl.handle.net/1765/72059
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management
Department of Psychology

Lub, X., Bijvank, M. N., Bal, M., Blomme, J., & Schalk, R. (2012). Different or alike?: Exploring the psychological contract and commitment of different generations of hospitality workers. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 24(4), 553–573. doi:10.1108/09596111211226824