Fiber-optic reflectance measurements were performed on scattering phantoms containing red blood cells. The oxygen pressure in the phantom was decreased by nitrogen gas bubbling, while carefully controlling and monitoring the temperature (37°C) and pH (7.4). The blood oxygen saturation (SO 2) was extracted from the optical spectroscopic measurements by fitting the spectra over the wavelength range of 350-850 nm to a model that includes the effects of pigment packaging. The effect of using different oxy- and deoxyhemoglobin extinction spectra on the quality and accuracy of the fits is analyzed. The optically extracted SO2 is compared with the standard oxygen dissociation curve (ODC). Depending on the choice of hemoglobin extinction spectra the absolute deviation between the ODC and the optically extracted SO2 is less than 2.5% over the measured range of saturations (4%-99%).,
Optics Letters
Department of Radiation Oncology

Amelink, A., Christiaanse, T., & Sterenborg, D. (2009). Effect of hemoglobin extinction spectra on optical spectroscopic measurements of blood oxygen saturation. Optics Letters, 34(10), 1525–1527. doi:10.1364/OL.34.001525