The objective of this article is to present an insight into how Denmark and the Netherlands seek to coordinate the integration of electronic service deliveryand examines the similarities and differences between the two countries' approaches. The focus is on ICT projects, where central government and municipalities both participate in integrated digital solutions. Data were collected through content analyses and interviews. The data show that different coordination mechanisms are used in Denmark and the Netherlands. However, a striking similarity is the resistance of municipalities to the coordination approaches. The institutional setting of both countries helps to understand this municipal reaction.

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Information Polity: an international journal on the development, adoption, use and effects of information technology
Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences

van Os, G. (2011). The challenge of coordination: Coordinating integrated electronic service delivery in Denmark and the Netherlands. In Information Polity: an international journal on the development, adoption, use and effects of information technology (Vol. 16, pp. 51–61). doi:10.3233/IP-2011-0224