
High energy pelvic fractures are life-threatening injuries and are among the most challenging injuries to treat. Complete evaluation of the patient with a high energy pelvic fracture is essential because this is rarely an isolated injury. Most deaths in patients with pelvic fractures are not caused by the pelvic fracture itself but are linked to associated injuries. The same forces that lead to disruption of the pelvic ring are frequently associated with abdominal, head, and thoracic injury. Bleeding remains the leading cause of death in patients with pelvic fractures but is rarely the only cause of blood loss in the patient with multiple injuries. In addition to bleeding from the fracture surfaces (i.e., cancellous bone) bleeding from the venous plexus and arterial lesions in a patient with a pelvic ring fracture potentially causes serious complications. These anatomical structures that are at risk are discussed into more detail in the pelvic anatomy section below.

P. Patka (Peter) , I.B. Schipper (Inger)
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Grants: Part of the research described in this thesis was funded by grants from De Stichting Prof. Michaƫl-van Vloten Fonds and Fonds NutsOhra Printing and distribution of this thesis has been financially supported by Centrum Orthopedie Rotterdam ChipSoft Congress Company DePuy Synthes Erasmus MC Afdeling Heelkunde Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam ERBE Nederland Ikazia Ziekenhuis Rotterdam KCI Medical Knops TuinDesign Livit Orthopedie Nederlandse Vereniging voor Traumachirurgie Pfizer Traumacentrum West Traumacentrum Zuid West Nederland.
Erasmus MC: University Medical Center Rotterdam

Knops, S. (2014, September 26). Treatment of Pelvic Ring Fractures with Pelvic Circumferential Compression Divices. Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/1765/76116