
Ambiguity and uncertainty inhere in theorizing around the knowledge frontier. Debating the robustness of novel ideas can, therefore, be instrumental in bolstering theory development. As such, I welcome that Haack and Schoeneborn (forthcoming) challenge certain aspects of my recent AMR article (Wijen, 2014). Their critique is two-pronged. First, they argue that my ideas are functionalist and thus incompatible with the social constructionist nature of institutional theory. Second, they contend that I interpret decoupling in a static way, thereby ignoring important dynamics. My response follows the order of these issues.

ERIM Top-Core Articles
Academy of Management Review
Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), Erasmus University

Wijen, F. (2014). Coupling, not decoupling, should be institutional theory's mantra: A rejoinder to Haack and Schoeneborn. Academy of Management Review, 40(2). Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/1765/77145