Taking a global view (Russell Gilbert)

Ruth Cairnie, Executive Vice President of Strategy and Planning for Royal Dutch Shell, discusses the forces driving the increasingly urgent need for sustainable energy and the factors that may determine whether we find solutions sooner rather than later.

The future for energy markets (Catherine Walker)

Balancing future energy supply and demand whilst ensuring systems are robust, efficient and reliable is a great challenge, and one that is a priority for the recently launched Erasmus Centre for Future Energy Business.

Energy forum shapes the future (Russell Gilbert)

Taking place on 15 June, the Erasmus Energy Forum will provide an open and collaborative event at which policy makers, business leaders and academics can address the key issues that are changing the face of the energy landscape.

Local forum -- big debate (Rebecca Morris)

Networking opportunities and a much-needed local forum for knowledge sharing. These are just two of the benefits offered by RSM’s new alumni-led Energy Affinity Group, which may also give the school a voice in the European energy debate.