In this contribution we describe a collection of approximately 400 video interviews recorded in the context of the project Croatian Memories (CroMe) with the objective of documenting personal war-related experiences. The value of this type of sources is threefold: they contain information that is missing in written sources, they can contribute to the process of reconciliation, and they provide a basis for reuse of data in disciplines with an interest in narrative data. The CroMe collection is not primarily designed as a linguistic corpus, but is the result of an archival effort to collect so-called oral history data. For researchers in the fields of natural language processing and speech analysis this type of life-stories may function as an 'objet trouvé' containing real-life language data that can prove to be useful for the purpose of modelling specific aspects of human expression and communication.
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication (ESHCC)

de Jong, F., van Hessen, A., Petrovic, T., & Scagliola, S. (2014). Croatian Memories : speech, meaning and emotions in a collection of interviews on experiences of war and trauma. In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation. Retrieved from